Cannexus23 In-Person | En personne has ended
Hybrid (virtual & in-person) | Hybride (virtuel et en personne) [clear filter]
Monday, January 23

12:00 EST

Keynote Address | Allocution: Two Spirit Diversity - Race, Gender, Sexuality & Unconscious Bias | La diversité bispirituelle - Le genre, la sexualité, la race et les préjugés inconscients
Dr. James Makokis has an incredible first-hand experience in growing up as a Two-Spirit in a segregated and marginalized community. He has one of the most unique perspectives on the importance of acceptance and equal treatment regarding cultural, gender, sexuality and racial differences. Two-Spirit is a contemporary English term to reflect gender diversity that Indigenous nations have always had. Canada is one of the most diverse countries in the world yet many individuals face personal challenges in achieving success. Dr. Makokis combines his story with practical insights on how to create accepting spaces where EVERYONE can prosper by incorporating an accepting attitude to anyone that is outside of social norms. He will share how to identify and acknowledge our unconscious bias, which often creates and reinforces stereotypes and stigmas which then negatively impact our relationships. Dr. Makokis teaches how to become an ally to refocus our relationships to be accepting, safe and supportive. This presentation will provide key learnings for individuals and organizations that work to create new inclusive programs for diverse populations. 

Le Dr James Makokis a vécu une expérience personnelle extraordinaire en tant que bispirituel qui a grandi dans une communauté ségréguée et marginalisée. Il a une perspective des plus uniques sur l’importance de l’acceptation et de l’égalité de traitement en ce qui concerne les différences liées à la culture, au genre, à la sexualité et à la race. « Bispirituel » est un terme français contemporain qui reflète la diversité de genre qui existe depuis toujours au sein des nations autochtones. Nombreux sont ceux qui doivent encore relever des défis personnels pour réussir au Canada, qui est pourtant l’un des pays les plus diversifiés au monde. Le Dr Makokis nous racontera son histoire en y intégrant des idées pratiques sur la manière de créer des espaces d’acceptation où TOUT LE MONDE peut prospérer en adoptant une attitude d’acceptation à l’égard de quiconque se trouve en dehors des normes sociales. Il nous expliquera comment cerner et reconnaître nos préjugés inconscients, qui créent et renforcent souvent les stéréotypes et la stigmatisation qui ont ensuite des répercussions négatives sur nos relations. Il nous enseignera à devenir un allié pour recentrer nos relations afin qu’elles reposent sur l’acceptation, la sécurité et l’entraide. Cette présentation fournira des apprentissages clés aux personnes et aux organisations qui travaillent à la création de nouveaux programmes inclusifs pour des populations diversifiées.

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Dr. James Makokis

Canada’s Two Spirit, Diversity, Indigenous Health and First Nation Expert | Expert canadien de la bispiritualité, de la diversité, de la santé des Autochtones et des Premières Nations
Dr. James Makokis is a Nehiyô (Neh-hee-yo) two-spirit physician from the Onihcikiskapowinihk (Saddle Lake Cree Nation) in Treaty Number Six Territory. He practices Family Medicine in Kinokamasihk (Kih-no-kum-a-sick) Cree Nation in northeastern Alberta and has a transgender health-focused... Read More →

Monday January 23, 2023 12:00 - 13:00 EST
Canada Hall 1&2

15:45 EST

VIEWING PARTY: Around the World Session: Importance of Career Counselling for Migrants’ Social and Professional Integration
Demographic growth, climate change overall globalization impact migration flows, which are constantly increasing. Career counselling has an important role to play to facilitate and help the social and professional integration of migrants and immigrants but the tools and interventions need to be adapted and contextualized for this population. This session aims to present and discuss these challenges, tools, and interventions in providing career counselling services to migrant/immigrant populations.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Discuss the role of career guidance for migrants and immigrants
  • Discuss how to adapt interventions for migrants and immigrants
  • Discuss new tools for career guidance for migrants and immigrants

avatar for Jérôme Rossier

Jérôme Rossier

Full Professor | Professeur Titulaire, University of Lausanne
Jérôme Rossier is Full Professor of Vocational and Counselling Psychology at the Institute of Psychology and Vice-rector for Human Resources and further training at the University of Lausanne. He is a board member of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance... Read More →
avatar for Lisa Y. Flores

Lisa Y. Flores

Professor | Professeure, University of Missouri
Lisa Y. Flores is a Professor of Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri. She is past Editor of the Journal of Career Development, and is Chair-elect of the Society of Vocational Psychology. Her teaching and research interests include vocational and multicultural psychology.Lisa Y. Flores... Read More →
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Shagini Udayar

PhD Student | Étudiante au doctorat, University of Lausanne
Shagini Udayar is a PhD student, and her research focuses on the impact of life events on career sustainability. She is also interested in the professional integration of young refugees and asylum seekers and the impact of MINT career promotion activities on women’s career choices.Shagini... Read More →
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Germán A. Cadenas

Assistant Professor | Professeur Adjoint, Lehigh University
Germán A. Cadenas (he/his/el) is an Assistant Professor of Counselling Psychology at Lehigh University. His research is community-based and embraces the development of interventions to support the educational success, career development and psychological well-being of Latinx immigrants... Read More →

Monday January 23, 2023 15:45 - 16:30 EST
Tuesday, January 24

11:00 EST

VIEWING PARTY: Around the World Session: Finding Career Clarity Beyond Vocational Assessments
Finding Career Clarity Beyond Vocational Assessments
This session focuses on how to build on the contribution provided by vocational assessments, what's changed post-pandemic, where the career planning industry is heading and how to use new methods to help clients find careers with a purpose that also pays well. These methods are also proven to help people bounce back from unemployment faster and manage toxic environments so they're "recession/pandemic proof".
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Understand how to adjust vocational assessments for today's market
  2. Learn the 5 pillars for finding career clarity
  3. Apply one tool to help clients bounce-back from unemployment faster

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Silviu Cojocaru

President, Career Hero
Silviu Cojocaru is a UK-based career coach specializing in helping fellow millennials find and transition into meaningful careers collaborated with Steve Miller to create Career Hero Academy, an online program designed specifically for employment agencies.Silviu Cojocaru du Royaume-Uni... Read More →
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Steve Miller

President, Implicit Career Search
Steve Miller is a renowned expert in Canada and creator of Implicit Career Search, a purpose-driven career planning program. For 30 years, he has helped thousands of people from prisoners to CEOs develop meaningful careers.Expert renommé au Canada, Steve Miller est le créateur d’Implicit... Read More →

Tuesday January 24, 2023 11:00 - 11:45 EST
  Hybrid (virtual & in-person) | Hybride (virtuel et en personne), Virtual platform streamed into Shaw Centre | Plateforme virtuelle diffusée au Centre Shaw
  • LANGUAGE | LANGUE English | Anglais
  • about Silviu Cojocaru is a UK-based career coach specializing in helping fellow millennials find and transition into meaningful careers collaborated with Steve Miller to create Career Hero Academy, an online program designed specifically for employment agencies.<br>

12:30 EST

Spark! Session | Séance Spark!
Conquering Fears, Building Resilience and Skyrocketing Potential I Vaincre ses peurs, renforcer la résilience et faire monter son potentiel en flèche

Drawing from his personal journey of overcoming adversity, from holding back immensely due to a debilitating stutter to performing on stages worldwide, Joze Piranian will deliver his concrete blueprint for confronting challenges, building unshakeable resilience, defeating the discomfort of learning new skills to thrive, and reframing our relationship with fears in order to thrive amidst uncertainty. Moreover, Joze will share mental wellness strategies and empowering mindset shifts with actionable steps. The transformational insights of his award-winning talk will be infused with comedic moments.

Spark! is the Cannexus-version of TED Talks. You will have the opportunity to listen to a unique speaker who will “spark” you to think differently about your work.

Joze Piranian s’est inspiré de son parcours personnel face à l’adversité. Souffrant auparavant d’un bégaiement très handicapant, il évolue désormais sur des scènes du monde entier et présentera son plan concret pour relever les défis, développer une résilience inébranlable, vaincre l’inconfort lié à l’apprentissage de nouvelles compétences et redéfinir notre perception des peurs afin de nous épanouir malgré l’incertitude.

Spark est la version Cannexus de TED Talks. Vous aurez l’occasion d’entendre une allocution qui pourrait vous amener à penser différemment à votre travail.

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Joze Piranian

Global Inclusion & Resilience Speaker I Conférencier mondial sur l’inclusion et la résilience
Joze Piranian is a lifelong stutterer turned Forbes and TED-featured global speaker on inclusion and resilience. Born and raised in Lebanon, Joze avoided speaking for more than 25 years out of the fear of being judged for being different. Then, everything changed. He won the Inspirational... Read More →

Tuesday January 24, 2023 12:30 - 13:20 EST
Canada Hall 1&2

13:15 EST

Presentation of Wileman Award | Remise du prix Wileman
CERIC’s Etta St. John Wileman Award is designed to recognize and celebrate individuals who have devoted their lives to enhancing the field of career development.

The latest recipient of the prestigious Wileman Award was previously announced as Lynne Bezanson, Executive Director Emeritus of the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF). Lynne was recognized for a remarkable career, devoting herself to strengthening the reach and impact of career development in Canada and internationally.

Lynne will now be presented with the award in-person in Ottawa at the Cannexus23 conference.

The award is given in the name of Etta St. John Wileman, a champion and crusader of career, work and workplace development in Canada in the early 20th century.

Le prix Etta St. John Wileman du CERIC vise à souligner et à célébrer l’apport des personnes qui ont consacré toute leur vie à améliorer le domaine du développement de carrière.

Le prestigieux prix Wileman a déjà été décerné à Lynne Bezanson, directrice générale émérite de la Fondation canadienne pour le développement de la carrière (FCDC). Lynne a reçu ce prix en reconnaissance de sa remarquable carrière à renforcer la portée et l’incidence du développement de carrière au Canada et à l’international.

Lynne recevra maintenant le prix en personne à Ottawa lors du congrès Cannexus23.

Ce prix rend hommage à Etta St John Wileman, championne et militante du développement de carrière, du travail et du milieu du travail au Canada au début du XXe siècle.

Tuesday January 24, 2023 13:15 - 13:30 EST
Canada Hall 1&2

15:00 EST

Keynote Address | Allocution: Working it Out: How to be Ready for the Redefined World of Work | Comment se préparer à évoluer dans un monde du travail redéfini
The pandemic has upturned our economy and our lives, and it has upturned work as well. We can work anywhere if we choose and that is a huge and dramatic development that many organizations are still not ready to navigate. As well, a series of megatrends including climate change, demographics and the fourth industrial revolution are about to disrupt work and force further changes. What should we expect and how should we get ready for what is ahead? In this presentation based on her upcoming book of the same title, economist and futurist Linda Nazareth gives you a succinct preview of what comes next and how to best get ready for a future of work that looks little like the past.

La pandémie a bouleversé notre économie et nos vies, mais le monde du travail également. Nous pouvons désormais travailler de n’importe où si nous le souhaitons, et il s’agit d’un changement considérable et radical auquel de nombreuses organisations ne sont pas encore prêtes à faire face. En outre, une série de grandes tendances, qui concernent notamment les changements climatiques, la démographie et la quatrième révolution industrielle, sont sur le point de bouleverser le monde du travail et d’imposer de nouveaux changements. À quoi s’attendre et comment se préparer pour l’avenir? Dans cette présentation fondée sur son prochain livre intitulé Working it Out: How to be Ready for the Redefined World of Work, l’économiste et futurologue Linda Nazareth présente un aperçu de ce qui va suivre et de la meilleure façon de se préparer à un avenir du travail qui ne ressemblera guère au passé.

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Linda Nazareth

Economist and Author | Économiste, futurologue et experte de l’avenir du travail
Linda Nazareth is an economist, futurist and expert on the future of work. The author of four books, the most recent of which is Work Is Not a Place: Our Lives and Our Organizations in the Post-Jobs Economy (2018) she is also a regular columnist for The Globe and Mail and CBC Metro... Read More →

Tuesday January 24, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 EST
Canada Hall 1&2
Wednesday, January 25

11:20 EST

Keynote Address | Allocution: Resiliency Through Diversity | La résilience malgré l’adversité
Join Tareq on an emotional journey from Syria to Canada with heart-breaking and perspective-shaping stops along the way. From sunny days in Syria where the scent of roses filled the air to the beginning of conflict and war. Listen as Tareq shares the fear and confusion that came when violence and danger begin to slowly surround his family. Understand what it is really like to spend days hiding in your basement, praying for safety and food and medicine. Learn how a family made the decision to leave everything behind in search of safety outside of their homeland only to find more uncertainty and desperation as refugees in Lebanon. Witness the life-changing impact of being granted a family ticket to Canada and watch as that country's Prime Minister singles out the Hadhad family and their community for its perseverance and kindness. This is an emotional rollercoaster that will leave you feeling inspired and resolved to make your own impact on the world.

Accompagnez Tareq dans un voyage émouvant de la Syrie au Canada, ponctué d’arrêts qui brisent le cœur et ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives. Des journées ensoleillées en Syrie où le parfum des roses embaume l’air jusqu’au début du conflit et de la guerre, écoutez Tareq parler de la peur et de la confusion qu’il a ressenties lorsque la violence et le danger ont commencé à entourer lentement sa famille. Comprenez ce que signifie passer des jours à se cacher dans son sous-sol, à prier pour être en sécurité, pour avoir de la nourriture et des médicaments. Découvrez comment une famille a pris la décision de tout laisser derrière elle en quête de sécurité hors de son pays d’origine, pour finalement trouver plus d’incertitude et de désespoir en tant que réfugiée au Liban. Soyez témoin de l’impact de l’octroi d’un billet familial pour le Canada, qui a changé sa vie, et regardez le premier ministre de ce pays reconnaître la famille Hadhad et sa communauté pour leur persévérance et leur gentillesse. Cette montagne russe émotionnelle vous inspirera et vous donnera envie d’avoir à votre tour un impact sur le monde.

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Tareq Hadhad

Thursday, 2:20 pm & Friday, 1:00 pm, Peace by Chocolate
Tareq Hadhad is telling his story. He was a Syrian refugee and now living his new life with his entrepreneurial family in Canada’s east coast. He is the founder and CEO of Peace by Chocolate, the recipient of the EY Entrepreneur of The Year 2021 for Atlantic, named one of the Top... Read More →

Wednesday January 25, 2023 11:20 - 12:20 EST
Canada Hall 1&2

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  • Bilingual | Bilingue
  • English with interpretation (Anglais avec l'interprétation)
  • English | Anglais
  • Français avec l'interprétation (French with interpretation)
  • Adult Education and Career Development | Éducation des adultes et développement de carrière
  • Advocacy & Social Justice | Défense des intérêts et justice sociale
  • Application of Current Research Theory & Methodology | Application des recherchers théories et méthodologie actuelles
  • Building the Profile and Sustainability of the Career Development Sector | Amélioration de l’image et de la viabilité du secteur du développement de carrière
  • Career Development for Youth Outside of School | Développement de carrière chez les jeunes en dehors de l’école
  • Career Education K-12 Students | Éducation au choix de carrière de la maternelle à la 12e année
  • Career Education Post-Secondary | Éducation au choix de carrière au niveau postsecondaire
  • Effective Career Counselling/Coaching Techniques | Techniques d’accompagnement et d’orientation professionnelle efficaces
  • Employee Recruitment & Engagement | Recrutement et mobilisation des employés
  • Employment/Training Programs (Community Government Industry) | Programmes de formation/d'emploi (milieu communautaire gouvernement industrie)
  • Experiential/Work-Integrated Learning | Apprentissage par l’expérience/intégration au milieu de travail
  • Future of Work and the Workplace | Avenir du travail et du lieu de travail
  • Indigenous Career Development | Développement de carrière chez les Autochtones
  • Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion | Justice équité diversité et inclusion
  • Management & HR Issues for Career/Employment Centre Directors | Enjeux de gestion et de ressources humaines pour les directeurs de centres de carrières/centres d’emploi
  • Workforce Planning & Development | Planification et développement de la main-d’œuvre
  • Working with Newcomer and Refugee Communities | Travail avec les nouveaux arrivants et les réfugiés